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beleza americana / american beauty


Texto por Nathalia Cruz


Beleza Americana é o resultado de uma pesquisa que visa discutir os padrões de beleza e comportamento na sociedade americana, sob um olhar brasileiro. Foi escolhido como locação imersiva a praia, lugar no qual delimitam-se espaços temporários de extensão da casa das pessoas, onde parte da intimidade e da cultura de cada um é revelada através da construção destes micro espaços.

Na região da costa sul dos EUA, mais especificamente,  os hábitos e os pertences despertam a atenção. Depara-se com uma plasticidade que tende ao exagero,  de maneira integrada à normalidade da vida das pessoas, numa simples ida à praia: Cabelos coloridos, unhas postiças extensas, batons reluzentes, roupas e perucas extravagantes, músculos delineados e cores saturadas.

A observação e a prática artística dentro deste contexto, fizeram com que a artista refletisse a respeito de aspectos sociais que englobam um assunto recorrente na contemporaneidade, a identidade. No âmbito do indivíduo, temos o retrato, que evidencia a maneira de como um conjunto de adereços, penteados e postura confere certa singularidade à personalidade.

Entretanto, ao observar o todo, tendo em vista as raízes das influências na formação da identidade americana, entende-se as imagens captadas como um eco do poder de uma mídia que enfatiza ideias de obsessão pela busca da perfeição e da beleza. Uma vez que esses ideais são traduzidos num sistema controlado como a indústria do cinema hollywoodiano ou a publicitária, estes se utilizam de modelos e percursos narrativos que se misturam com a própria História, criando a ilusão de que é possível viver a perfeição. Já os mesmos elementos trazidos à vida real, adquirem um cunho kitsch e de ordem comum, relembrando-nos que somos humanos e imperfeitos.


Text by Nathalia Cruz


American Beauty is the result of a research whose objective is to discuss beauty and behaviour standards in the American society, from a Brazilian point view. The beach was the main location, a place where temporary spaces become the extension of one's home, where each individual’s privacy and culture are revealed through the construction of these micro-spaces.


On the Southeastern coast of the USA, habits and belongings demand attention. A plasticity with a tendency to exaggeration, integrated to the normality of the individual’s life, is found during a simple day at the beach: Hair colours, long artificial nails, shiny lipsticks, extravagant outfits and wigs, defined muscles and saturated colours.


Observation and artistic practice inside this context lead the artist to reflect upon social aspects that encompass a recurring topic of contemporaneity: identity. In the scope of the individual, we have the portrait that shows how a set of accessories, hairdos, and posture gives a certain singularity to one’s personality.


However, by observing the whole and being mindful of roots and influences that helped shape the American identity, we can understand the captured images as echos of the power of a media that emphasizes an obsession for beauty and perfection. Once these ideals are translated in a controlled system, such as the Hollywood film or advertising industries, they utilize models and narratives that are mixed with History itself, creating the illusion that it is possible to live perfection. Yet, these same elements, when brought to real life, acquire a kitsch, common-place aspect, reminding us that we are human and, therefore, imperfect.






Conceptual Memorial

Text by Nathalia Cruz


American Beauty is the result of a research whose objective is to discuss beauty and behaviour standards in the American society, from a Brazilian point view. The beach was the main location, a place where temporary spaces become the extension of one's home, where each individual’s privacy and culture are revealed through the construction of these micro-spaces.


On the Southeastern coast of the USA, habits and belongings demand attention. A plasticity with a tendency to exaggeration, integrated to the normality of the individual’s life, is found during a simple day at the beach: Hair colours, long artificial nails, shiny lipsticks, extravagant outfits and wigs, defined muscles and saturated colours.


Observation and artistic practice inside this context lead the artist to reflect upon social aspects that encompass a recurring topic of contemporaneity: identity. In the scope of the individual, we have the portrait that shows how a set of accessories, hairdos, and posture gives a certain singularity to one’s personality.


However, by observing the whole and being mindful of roots and influences that helped shape the American identity, we can understand the captured images as echos of the power of a media that emphasizes an obsession for beauty and perfection. Once these ideals are translated in a controlled system, such as the Hollywood film or advertising industries, they utilize models and narratives that are mixed with History itself, creating the illusion that it is possible to live perfection. Yet, these same elements, when brought to real life, acquire a kitsch, common-place aspect, reminding us that we are human and, therefore, imperfect.

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